At spawn area,you have 2 spawns:T spawn(Ts only) and CT spawn (CTs only).
At spawn there's 4 teleports:Green,Red,Blue and Yellow.
Near spawn you can find shop,admins can open/close shop.Map will restart every 60 minutes.
About Admin House-
To get in admin house,there's few ways:
By using /setpos ID 750 750
By going trough shop stairs.
There's 5 ladders,they are kinda like camera rooms.
You can check whole Happy Town by going there.
There's Control Room in Admin House.
Green,Red,Blue and Yellow buttons open or close teleports.
White turns on/off Admin House wallhack defend system.
It's on when game starts.Soo don't go trough walls until you turn it off.
Small Red buttons are nothing special,that's just jukebox.
There's 3 buttons more at up part of control room:
Snow-Creates Snow
Rain-Creates Rain
Zombies-Zombie Invasion in Happy Town
At corner of admin house there's red and white button:
Red-Kills every player,and you.
White-Restarts Game
About Vip-
You can choose own vip players.If you have Vip script.
There's 2 vip buildings:Mini Vip and Vip.
Mini Vip has shop and cell.
Vip is like normal house but it's big and it has shop and handball field.
About Cinema-
Cinema has around 27 chairs to sit.
It has 3 movies:Horror,Comedy and Car Race.
About Hotel-
If every house is closed,you can live in hotel.
Hotel has kitchen,pool,2 toilets and 4 bedrooms.
About Pool-
Pool is for swimming,just for fun.
About Gamezz-
Gamezz are controled by Admin,there's 5 types of games:
Butcher Shop
Zombie House
Only 1 game can be opened at once.
That's all.
Yates-For sprites,and idea
Don't edit or say this is your map.
And you will need Admin Script if you wanna control this map.
edited 2×, last 24.06.11 07:42:47 pm
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