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English HC Admin Script 1.9.3 >

552 comments72 kb, 13,232 Downloads

old HC Admin Script 1.9.3

Happy Camper
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This is just a minor update.

Features Removed:
• Upgrading supplies to super supplies is no longer blocked.

Bugs Fixed:
• Aligned "Next map" text with map name.
• Moved clock to top left corner to avoid clash with next map name.

user Starkkz has written
This script is damaged on Counter-Strike 2D due to the LuaJIT switch.
Check for solutions on thread cs2d [Fix] HC Admin Script

∗ ∗ ∗

This script has been used on the HC servers. It is actually a script framework which can be extended by modules. Since I have closed the servers I am releasing the script free for everyone to use.


This is a script used for administrating CS2D servers. Commands are invoked from menus or the say prompt.

Serveraction1 (default F2) - Command menu
Serveraction2 (default F3) - Moderator menu
Serveraction3 (default F4) - Map vote menu

A list of say commands can be found by selecting Help->List Say Commands from the Command menu. The commands available for a certain user depends on which category the user belongs to.

User Categories

There are four categories of registered users handled by the script:

• VIP User
- users with special privileges
• Moderator Level 1
- moderates the game
• Moderator Level 2
- moderates the game, has authority to ban users permanently
• Administrator
- administers the server and the users

Administrator is the highest level. Users at a certain level automatically has the privileges of those at a lower level.

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Installation Instructions

Unzip the package into the CS2D folder. Note that this will overwrite your sys/servertransfer.lst and sys/lua/server.lua files!

Edit the file sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu. Replace 12345 with your U.S.G.N. number:
12345,Adm,Your Name
If you have an old users.hcu file, use it to replace the one provided by this package.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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edited 10×, last 18.12.11 10:30:16 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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@Happy Camper: can you please help me to add say command? please help!!!
I like it!

old Thanks :D

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thanks Happy Camper
Make more scripts like this
I like it!


Happy Camper
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@chuck123: Oh ok, you want to disable map voting? Open sys/lua/hc/hc.conf in a text editor. Look for hc.MODULES. Remove "maps", from the table. Restart your CS2D server.


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I wanted to know how to remove the vote of the maps.
To remove the?
I like it!


Idiot Off Offline

i think Chuck123 want to put the map list from F4 to F3

P.S this is awesome
I like it!


Happy Camper
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@chuck123: Sorry, I don't understand everything. You wonder how to revoke your vote? That's not really possible unless you disconnect, but you can vote for another map. You have only one vote, so if you vote for another map, your first vote will be revoked.

old Change

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@Happy Camper: I was wondering whether to vote to get the map? then tell me if the. How to get the map vote?
how to delete the map vote (F4).
I like it!


Happy Camper
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@Noswear222: Not sure if I understand. You enter your usgn in users.hcu and restart the server. If you made yourself admin you should now be able to make other users VIP, moderator or admin using the menus. They must be playing on the server when you do that.

@xByte39x: The map is ctf_angle. You can download it from here:


User Off Offline

Hey can anybody tell me whats this map name on screen or give link to download thanks.
I remember when I play on it some years ago.. (old good times :))
I like it!


User Off Offline

Happy camper I have to change the way users.hcu to the lua? because when I change my usgn it does not change
I like it!


Happy Camper
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@mehmet47: Do you want to remove that text or do you wonder what it's used for? If you wonder what it's used for: It's for automatic map change. After 3 wins, the map will change to a new map, which has been decided by the players by voting. The players vote by pressing F4 and selecting a map from the list. The number of rounds between map changes can be set in hc/hc.conf. The parameter is called hc.MAP_ROUNDS.

You can remove the map change function by deactivating the module "maps". You do that by editing hc/hc.conf and removing "maps" from the list hc.MODULES.


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Below next to the clock Next map(3) writing have how it goes pls help


Happy Camper
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@killerboy1: Open hc/hc.conf. Look for hc.MAP_LIST. Enter the name of the maps in between the {}.
@mehmet47: Sorry, I don't understand "why is taking res". Could you explain?


User Off Offline

Next map(round 3) why is taking res what should I do pls help


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who to put more map?

pls help
I like it!


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@Ayudon: So what i edited the lua it's lua what needs to be edited and if want to add attribute,maps and all like that!
I like it!


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@DEad_SWAT so.. with "adding a new attribute" you meant editing the lua? What a shame
I like it!


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@Happy Camper: I want to add new attribute Wings but it's not working: i wings image i added it to: gfx/hc/attribt/raven.png and in sys/lua/hc/modules/playerattribs:

Raven	       = {"raven.png"}

But when i go to server and select Raven attribute it's don;t have img
I like it!

old I cant

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I cant use it still so complicated please post a video inside the folder too
I like it!


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@Happy Camper: How To Add More Attributes?
I like it!
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