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42 comments1.22 mb, 611 Downloads

old piWi - Iowa Penitentiary

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i want to present you my new jail map:

∗ Name: Iowa Penitentiary v1.0
∗ Mapcreator: Me
∗ Scripter: user Cebra
∗ Tileset: user gamus
° Pictures:
- @user useigor:


Content Iowa Penitentiary >

° Agreements °

× |1| If you download the map, you agree that you won't claim my map as yours.
× |2| If you download the map, you agree that you won't upload my map on other websides.
× |3| If you download the map, you agree that you won't edit the map without ask me before for permission.
× |4| If you download my map, you agree that you will report any bugs, which you see, in this thread, so that i am able to fix these.
× |5| The 2 guys who downloaded already the lua files, don't upload or give them to third persons!

-Enjoy playing![img]

Pictures are uploade by
edited 16×, last 11.12.16 12:04:45 pm
Approved by DC

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1.22 mb, 611 Downloads


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Moderator Off Offline

The problem still persist though. The .map file doesn't exist in your zip file. Wondering what's the odd behind this...


Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

wouldve been nice if you actually added the map
I like it!


Moderator Off Offline

Well, you can't use creations without permission. You'll have to remove or change sprites that you can't name creators of. I guess that .-.


Talented Doge
User Off Offline

The "put this in ___" thing is rather annoying, can't you just change the folders' name to corresponding ones?

The fifth agreements is needless, the lua file is rather easy to be written and is also messy.

The map doesn't look good to me.


User Off Offline

@user useigor:

I am only able to put credits for the sprites which i know the creator from.


Moderator Off Offline

I'm afraid you need permission from every person whose creations you've used. Stating proper credits would be a good start since most people allow it without asking them specifically as long as you state them in credits. Otherwise I'll have to delete this for breaching rules and guidelines.


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@user Nekomata: Yop, i guess i will put the smaller files than into this ZIP file so that everyone gets the smaller one.
@user StirlizZ-Fapicon: a second round? ;S And what's another Khal?


User Off Offline

Here's the tip I've PM'd you about, thought I might as well share it here for everyone else. Compress your images! Use Choose the lossless option and do your PNG/JPG images.
Your audio files as well!

The reason behind this is that this will save bandwidth if you're hosting it on a server. Which means LESS & FASTER map download for players. And the downloads and LESS likely to get stuck in between.

I'll give you your like & critic after the testing depending on whether it's actually good or not. ;o


Super User Off Offline

@user Jite: are you ready for a round two with another Khal?


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@user Pseudon: okay, than i am happy ;> yeah, i used some really good sprites of useigor, but not known something of Yates, anyway i used to many stuff to put credits, if i am sure over 50, i guess. Even it looks like (;


User Off Offline

@user Jite: Pretty sure some of the credits could go for @user Yates: and @user useigor: .
If you want to see if your map is being used, you can easily find it with filters in the server list.
I like it!


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@user Mami Tomoe: ah, i understand now, sorry for the shit posts below, i added the lua file. A mistake, i will fix it now.
@user Pseudon: I don't know where @user gamus: taked his tiles so i won't add more credits to this.
Also i want to know wheather someone starts a server with it. But i agree, it is a big useless. /removed.


User Off Offline

Wait, those agreements are pure bullshit! If you don't like me starting a server with the map, without sending you a PM, you can as well remove it from now, I understand about the claim, but most of those agreements are bullshit. And let's not forget about the credits, of the sprites neither, please.
The map looks pretty and hardly made.
I like it!


Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

there is no .map file, @user Jite: download this file yourself all i see is:
[FOLDER] put this in gfx
[FOLDER] put this in sfx
[FILE] Greetings.txt
[FILE] Iowa Penitentiary v1.0.lua

I even checked inside the folders
I like it!


User Off Offline

@user GeoB99: I don't really know what's the problem. I puted into the ZIP file but at least what i could do to check the ZIP file tomorrow at 16:30.
@user Masea: Much effort ;o it would be nice if you could tell me what's bad but if you mean the shadows in the north east, that i did with intent...
@user Rainoth: I don't understand what's the problem to include the photos in the Describtion, why you aren't able to see them? The same what i said to @user GeoB99: about the map file i could repeat to you, i will check it. Let me wait till than. The agreements are added now.
Edit: @user Rainoth: The reason why i didn't add the Mapexport in the 5 options of pictures was that the picture was bigger than 3mb.


Moderator Off Offline

Use map export as 5th screenshot. I can't see anything when u include a photo in description. To begin with, the photos shouldn't be included in description unless it shows how you're making it. The photo section is for screenshots so use that. Thanks.
I'll evaluate your map once I can see it properly.

// There's no .map file. I just checked archive content via site, also, instead of writing "put this in sfx" you could just name the folder "sfx" and when the person extracts it, the files are placed in sfx automatically >.>
The Greetings.txt talks about agreement in your description but there's no agreement here.
Lol wut?


Super User Off Offline

There is a some bad designes for the shadows and more bad things i can't tell you.
But you did make effort to trying make good map, so there is a my like for you.
I like it!


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@user GeoB99: i guess you say this because it is only 4,79 mb big. It seems strange but it includes the map, tileset, gfx (which are a lot) and finally the sounds (only *10*).
Normaly it should all be in this ZIP file, i hope i didn't made a mistake. To the script, i will add now something in the main post.
@user rzvthePsycho: Finally?
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