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old Better Unlimited Building

Talented Doge
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I'm here to share my version of unlimited building script, called Better Unlimited Building.

∗ Final version 2017/03/04
Added a small admin-only function to enable server owners set to admin-only fast building.

What does this do?
This simply allow you to fast build, build unlimited buildings, change health, build limit, cost price of buildings. Even you do not use unlimited building or fast building, you can still use it to change the health, limit and price of buildings.

Fast build doesn't cost money and has no limit!
That's the point of this script. This script can be modified to have limit and cost money for building while fast build is on.I've already checked other scripts, they don't limit buildings when fast build is ON.

How about the code? Is it messy?
I think it's clean and easy to be read enough. I'm not sure what do you think about it.

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edited 26×, last 11.08.18 11:25:40 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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Talented Doge
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user Yates I find CC suits my needs so I use it. I have already thought of GPL or LGPL etc. However the one I want is CC.

Anyway thanks for the like.


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Why do you use CC licensing? It's probably the worst license for code. Let's pretend this script is the best thing ever made for CS2D, I could still do whatever the fuck I want if it all came down to the license of Creative Commons.

Stop using it - it's a shit license. Even WTFPL protects your shit more from this.

Then again, we are all here to rate the file. And because it is an improvement, good for you. I'll like it just so it'll rank higher when people search.
I like it!


Talented Doge
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Fixed minor mistakes.

user Ridho has written
untested but.. this script looks simpler than existed one

Simpler is the aim of this script. I hope you'll test this later.


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untested but.. this script looks simpler than existed one


Talented Doge
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You may go to check the one with 50 likes and compare it to mine. It's limit feature is useless. I improved it and its code was a bit messy. If you still think my file is worse than that, sorry I can't help.


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