[BcY] Ka_SectorXBcY Reviewer Offline 21.10.12 09:08:01 pm ka_sectorx Knife Arena Map A small Knife Arena map with simple lighting 16 Spawn Points You can edit it. (ask it first if you want) You can use it on your server. Dont change the map name. Dont say it yours. edited 3×, last 17.04.20 12:34:20 am Approved by Infinite Rain (08.12.15 07:37 am) Download 223 kb, 556 Downloads
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Qater User Offline 16.03.14 06:04:29 pm Very, very small map, for standart is bad... But, but, but IS AWESOME ! I like it!
Megusta porque esta linda User Offline 01.11.12 03:50:30 pm @ Megusta porque esta linda: He's obviously asking how to use it on the MapEditor. @ mansu321progamers: Find ENV_Room and place it somewhere you want. I like it!
EndDead User Offline 01.11.12 01:43:26 pm @ mansu321progamers: Its the light engine Go to options>Graphics>Lightning-set to whatever u want --On topic-- Nice map, but pretty simple, eh? I like it!
Darkness Effect Questionmansu321progamers User Offline 01.11.12 01:32:59 pm How to do that darkness effect anyway? I need it for a idea. I like it!
%100 success.mansu321progamers User Offline 31.10.12 08:26:45 pm Simply awesome. No fails, %100 great. I like it!
Julia D14M0ND-H34RT User Offline 31.10.12 04:15:49 pm @ Yates: You are the one who must shut up, Yates. I see you're still replying negative to random people. On-Topic GREAT. I like it!