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old Slender 2D

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user Starkkz has written
Please check my file file cs2d Screamers , which is a similar to this mod but with more screamers incluiding Slender.

Hello, I'm bringing to you my new Slender mod for CS2D. If you have played the Slender game before, you'll know what is this. If you don't, then please take a look at this video.

• Gameplay

• Maps
If you want to make any map for this mod, and you want to place notes. All you have to do is create an entity with name "page", and the mod will load it in game.

file cs2d o_Slenderman (horror)
file cs2d slender_school
file cs2d slender_winterforest
file cs2d slender_factory
file cs2d leet_kr3w _-_ Slender_Stranded
file cs2d Wz Base for Slendermod by Shift

If you find any bug then please post it below or send me a private message.

Changes >

NOTE: This is the final version, so please don't put suggestions on your comment

Comment & subscribe to my Facebook page
edited 19×, last 07.08.16 06:50:42 pm
Approved by SQ

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In slender, there are forest, elementery, house, sanatorium,
hospice, mansion and 7th street

Try to make maps at it really exit in the slender.


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I could put it in the server if you want.
But i need to fix this dang annoying and weird thing.
I like it!


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@user ERROR_LT: Right now I'm creating a game in 2D based on Slender game and this mod (offline ofc). Soon I'll make a suggestions topic with a video of it, also about the flashlight... that won't be possible, DC has to fix the flashlight bug because I can't get to know in Lua when the flashlight is on or off.

old Looks amazing

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Quite an awesome script , but would be more interesting if the notes would spawn in different places each round cause most ppl memorize the places where they spawn so it gets boring in time + I agree with WinterPwnd on "when he apears if you weren't looking at the direction that he apears the static doesn't affect you and you can just pass by him without even getting the static triggered" <- This makes the slender super easy, so would be great if u can change that...oh and I almost forgot : Would be even better if u wouldn't be able to see the slenderman without using the flashlight or without a light source
I like it!


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But what could be wrong..
I mean i have installed everything like it should be.

Could be your name ingame?
I like it!


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@user Q-Q: ITs your server's problem...
I joined @user Starkkz: server and he was acting normaly, i created a server and the results were the same, entered an otehr guy's server same results, its only you...
I like it!


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Well thats the problem he doesnt dissapear at all
and he doesnt even spawn close to you..
Here try my server than you can see that things are not

The pages and the sound work but slender man is bugged.
I like it!


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@user Obviously Exactly Myself: Yeah, use them but add me to the credits. It was a little hard to extract them from Youtube videos (Ace downloader + Adobe Audition). And also there's a Slender for Minecraft, you can find out that there's a pack of sounds.

@user Q-Q: He will disappear when you're not watching him.


User Off Offline

I have some problems with running it on my server.
Everything is installed correctley.
So you can see the notes and hear the music playing.
But slender doesnt follow you at all he is trapped in the map
up in the corner..
He stays there the hole time.
And if you restart the round he just disspears and doesnt
come back.. please tell me how to fix this.
The server is 24/7 online.
And if i just run it with new game than it works perfectly.
I like it!


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Well done, great mod, very close to the original game.
I like it!


Obviously Exactly Myself
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@user -DIE Wolf-: Yeah, so? Is that a reason to not like this cool crap?

@user Starkkz: Can I use the SFX? I'm making Slender for CC. Where did you get the SFX?
I like it!
edited 1×, last 06.10.12 08:18:59 am


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@user Starkkz: Change the screenshot please
I like it!


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You should make notes harder to find , but the mod is just amazing , good job.
I like it!


User Off Offline

Please add random spots for the notes every time
And try to make slender follow people sometimes.
I like it!
edited 1×, last 05.10.12 09:42:54 pm


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Well, I made it that way meant to the fog of war which should hide the image. But it actually doesn't hide the image because it's a CS2D bug, but if you want me to fix it then it's fine.
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