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alt Jump Script

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A simple script allows you to jump through the obstacles
Just press [E] xd
ps: I have finished this script on 2020, but I forgot to upload it
Zugelassen von Gaios

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Mami Tomoe hat geschrieben
What does this script do that file cs2d Jumping script v1.4 (57) does not?

@user Mami Tomoe:
This script is different from what you mentioned.
The script which you metioned uses [attack2] to stimulate the jump action, wherever the player is. It can not jump through the OBSTACLEs. It's used to jump through some dangerous tiles like "Deadly - Normal"
However, my script allows you to jump through the OBSTACLEs by pressing [E]. And it requires you to face the OBSTACLEs, and press [E] to jump through it.

(Simply, the file cs2d Jumping script v1.4 allows you to jump through the deadly floor. However, my script allows you to jump through the obstacles. This is similar to jumping in the file cs2d BR2D | BATTLE ROYALE 2D (I don't know how he finished the jumping. All the code in this mode has been stuffed into the main.lua, which is very difficult to read))

I created this script to provide more tactical strategies for standard mode


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Looks good to me.. Would prefer to change the global namespace
to something more unique to prevent from overwritting the variable.
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